Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Beyonce & Direct TV??

Recently Beyonce has teamed up with Direct Tv to "Upgrade" them.  Yet i think that the approach has failed only to "Downgrade" Beyonce.  Top stars dont do TV service ads.  Beyonce has made a horrible move for her carier by doing every deal that has been thrown her way.  She has over saturated the market and needs to be a little more selective about what advertising campaigns she signs on to do.  Usually Direct TV ads are somewhat cheap and done by people who are on the downfall of their career.  What was Beyonce thinking?  She has made herself seem too achievable and her image is becoming tainted.  Next time, Beyonce should consider the consequences of what she associates her name with.


Mary Jones and Kayla McCall's RCS Blog said...

I definetly agree that we have been over saturated with Beyonce. I wonder if the brands that are using her for endorsements see this as a negative for their company. Beyonce effectiveness to sell a product will dwindle as she begins to endorse everything.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I am sick of seeing Beyonce every time I turn on the TV. She should have picked one brand to endorse. Now people cant even remember what product she endorsing because she is endorsing so many.

Mary Jones and Kayla McCall's RCS Blog said...

I agree. All the endorsements Beyonce is doing is not only bad for her image, it does nothing for these brand’s images either. Being over exposed is a huge problem for celebrities. If all we see is beyonce when we turn on the T.V. eventually we will get sick of her. This will do nothing but hurt her career. Also with her endorsing so many different brands it is difficult to remember just exactly what those brands are. Advertisements are suppose to raise recall and recognition in consumers minds, but that doesn’t work when 10 different brands have the same celebrities in their commercials.

Nick Matson said...

i agree with the statement that Beyonce has downgraded herself to do that commercial. It makes me wonder what made her do that commercial. She doesn't need the publicity, so what could it be?